My Favourite Quote: Stacey O’Keeffe, Fashion Weekly

What is your favourite quote? Most people have a quote or saying that really resonates with them. It’s usually something you read at just the right time when you need it the most. It remains with you forever, and is often recalled in challenging times. 

My Favourite Quote is our latest blog post series that explores some of our Guest Blogger’s favourite quotes that inspire and motive them. We hope you enjoy our first post from Fashion Weekly Director, Stacey O’Keeffe…

“Not reaching your potential is like dying with the music still inside of you.” 
– John C. Maxwell

“I found this quote about 4 years ago when I was reading John C. Maxell’s book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. It was one of those moments where the quote jumped right off the page and struck a chord within me. I’ve never forgotten it and often refer to it when I feel like giving up or things seem too hard. I simply reflect on these powerful words as it encourages me to push through and keep moving forward. It’s also made me determined not to waste precious time or energy. Could you imagine not letting people hear your music?”

Stacey O’Keeffe has a goal and desire to positively influence and empower men and women worldwide. She is currently the Director of Fashion Weekly, a personal stylist and media influencer. 

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