If you’re looking for a gift for someone who isn’t materialistic and doesn’t like ‘things’, Kelly Brough from Oola reckons you can’t go past an adopted grape vine. Kelly shared some of her other top gift tips with us…
1. The best gift I ever received was…a diamond necklace for my 35th birthday.
2. The top gift on my wish list is…a spa weekend!
3. The best gift I have ever given was…an adopted vine at a local vineyard.
4. The hardest person I have ever had to buy a gift for was/is…my husband. He doesn’t believe in having “things” which made the grape vine a total winner!
5. The best last-minute gift is…a box of hand-made chocolates or a nice bottle of champagne.
6. My hot gift buying tip is…try to find something that connects with the recipient. Make them feel special even if the gift only cost you $10.